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Woodie Bugs, It's over 9000!

  • DLC VERSION - IMPORTANT!: Vanilla - NO DLC, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet Pending

Woodie's curse makes him never get the gloomer flower.

As a Werebeaver, if the player's Log Meter drops to 0 as a result of being hurt by monsters and is still being attacked when the player transforms back the normal HUD won't return; it will stay as the Werebeaver's HUD, but still work as the normal HUD. It reverts to normal after the player saves and exits then returns again (or Woodie turns into the Beaver with 50 sanity).

If Woodie dies in Werebeaver form, when the next moon phase is a full moon he will appear as Woodie, but the screen will show the Werebeaver HUD. Reloading the world should fix this.

When a full moon occurs, when Woodie is hit during his transforming stage, Lucy will say a transforming quote, but Woodie doesn't actually turn into the Werebeaver.

When Woodie changes back to his human form, quickly getting in and out of the game will result in Woodie still being in Werebeaver form, but the game acts as if Woodie had 50 sanity.

As a Werebeaver, if the Log Meter hits 0 and he gnaws an item that replenishes it at the same time (possibly causing the Werebeaver's death sound effect to activate and sometimes the music to stop), he will be unable to faint and revert. This will end if the player either reloads, which will return Woodie to normal with all stats full, or if the meter is refilled and then once again returned to 0 (he will only revert normally if the meter is refilled all the way to 100).

If the player saves at the same time Woodie faints, upon reloading Woodie's stats will be full.

Sometimes if the player is wearing a Backpack when the curse activates and the inventory drops to the ground, the backpack will disappear. However, the next time the curse activates, the backpack may appear again when the player's inventory drops to the ground.

Sometimes, after reverting from Werebeaver form, Woodie will make Werebeaver sounds when getting hurt.

If one exits and then re-enters the game during dusk as a Werebeaver, Woodie will still give his dusk announcement, even though he's transformed.

Steps to Reproduce

I don't have steps to reproduce this, just the first of gloomer flower.

User Feedback

If I recall, people always worked around this by using a Lureplant? Always a bit risky to do in case it deletes the flower.

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