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Shopkeepers panic unendingly after restocking an item if they see Webber without the Shamlet Mask

  • DLC VERSION - IMPORTANT!: Hamlet Fixed

Shopkeepers don't react to a maskless Webber while they're at their desks, but once you buy an item - even if you put the mask on first - and they get up to restock it, they don't go back to their desk but instead start running around in a panic shouting their usual lines for being close to a hostile mob or a monster. The grocer will, anyway, I didn't test this with any other shopkeepers.

She will, however, still trade with you (although it takes longer to do multiple trades in a row because she keeps trying to run away) and stop panicking for long enough to restock the counter before going back to running around and shouting, so this doesn't cause a functional problem, it's just either uncomfortable or hilarious to watch depending on your opinion.



Steps to Reproduce

1. Start a Hamlet game as Webber.

2. Go to Swinesbury with your Shamlet Mask on. Get some oincs. Enter a store.

3. Take your mask off.

4. Buy an item (you can put your mask back on first if you want, the effect will be the same).

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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