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Saving and quitting while reviving from a Meat Effigy in a Hamlet compatible world after dying in another shard makes extra skeletons appear and sometimes also kills the sound

  • DLC VERSION - IMPORTANT!: Shipwrecked, Hamlet Fixed

I didn't bother waiting for the resurrection animation to finish before quitting last time I played this save, so when I reopened it, I saw Wheeler burst out of a meat effigy in total silence. I quit to the menu, which was also silent, but when I reopened the save the sound was back. However, that was when I noticed two skeletons right on top of each other in the spot where I'd respawned from the effigy. My original death was in the volcano, and the effigy was on the starting island, so there shouldn't have been any player skeletons nearby at all. Certainly not two stacked on top of each other.

I tried doing this in a Shipwrecked-only world and a Reign of Giants world without Hamlet compatibility and the bug didn't happen in either one. It also didn't happen if I died in the same shard as the meat effigy. In a Hamlet-compatible Reign of Giants world, I did get the extra skeleton when I died in a cave and saved and quit before I finished resurrecting, in addition to a skeleton where I actually died; I didn't get them stacked on top of each other unless I died out of bounds, which is harder to do in RoG. (So the first time was probably because I died in the volcano lava. Please don't remove the ability to enter the lava and die. It's really funny, nearly impossible to do by accident, and offers no mechanical advantage.) The sound bug didn't recur when I recreated the skeleton bug.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Place a Meat Effigy near your spawn.

2. Go die in the volcano. I was overheating when I died because I was near the lava and still had the overheating effect on the edges of my screen when I respawned; not sure if that's relevant.

3. Let the resurrection animation start and then quit out of the game before it finishes. For optimal fidelity, close the game completely; for optimal optimal fidelity, leave it for a few days before coming back.

4. Reopen your save.



remote_1.zip log_1.txt backup_log_1.txt log_2.txt backup_log_2.txt backup_log_4.txt log_4.txt backup_log_3.txt log_3.txt remote_2.zip backup_log_5.txt log_5.txt

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User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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