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Morgue shows "Shenanigans" as cause of death for Gas Rainforest, Noxious Cloud, Iron Hulk and its pieces, Striking Carvings/Striking Statues

  • DLC VERSION - IMPORTANT!: Hamlet Pending

I died to an Iron Hulk hand in Hamlet and noticed that it showed up as Shenanigans in the morgue, and while I was testing other death mechanics I saw Shenanigans listed as the cause of death for some of the others that were first added during Hamlet: the complete Iron Hulk and as far as I can tell all its individual pieces, the Gas Rainforest, the Noxious Cloud produced by the Bug B'Gone, and the darts from a Striking Carving or Striking Statue. I also had to artificially add a lot of days to my save to get some of these to show up in the morgue, whereas others popped up at the bottom of the morgue right away; that was odd.










Steps to Reproduce

1. Start a new Hamlet game.

2. Mine an Iron Hulk piece or antagonise a nearby Thunderbird until it wakes up, or go into a ruin and find some Striking Carvings, or go into the gas rainforest without a gas mask, or spawn some Bug B'Gone and stand in the cloud.

3. Die.

4. Go look at your morgue.

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