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{HAMLET} Don't Starve PC and PS4 Versions: Unable to enter side doors (Left and Right)

  • DLC VERSION - IMPORTANT!: Hamlet Pending

I constructed my Slanty Shanty home and added side doors. However, after expanding the home for the side doors on both the left and right, I am unable to enter the room. This bug is quite inconvenient, and I would appreciate it if you could address and fix this issue. I've attempted to resolve it by hammering the doors down and rebuilding them, but unfortunately, these efforts have not made any difference and my character just continues to run up against the door without entering it at all. 


Steps to Reproduce

1. Create Slanty Shanty
2. Create a Door on the Left or Right Side
3. Use the building expansion on the doors to enable entering them
4. Attempt to use the door you created
5. Character is stuck and does not enter (Several in-game days, nothing)
(The door I am attempting to go through is a HARDWOOD DOOR)
Curtain doors seem to work fine.

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