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Yellowish white borders when not in fullscreen mode to the sides of the game when creating a new world while every other one is black

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On the main menu of dst when running the game in windowed mode there's some black borders to the sides which it has been like this forever


Though it seems in the latest update the character select screen instead of having black borders is now a cream color



I know this is probably not a significant bug and probably an oversight on some dev when updating the server mode stuff, but it just very annoying and triggers my OCD a lot that its been black the whole time and matched with the other menus and now all of a sudden it's some weird cream color which pops out a lot and makes it look a lot uglier and out of place.

So I hope this won't be ignored and it can be fixed to be black again like it used to be.

Steps to Reproduce

Play in windowed mode

Go on the world creation screen

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