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Warly Infinite Cooked Food Bug

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Whenever you alt inspect a cookable food item. It automatically cooks it and places it in a random spot in the world. NOTE: this might be because of mods but I have no idea what mod might be causing these problems. Also extra note I found that if you spam inspecting the mandrakes you can send your character into purgatory and if you disconnect the "random" location becomes wherever you disconnect. 

Steps to Reproduce
Step: 1 Locate/Give yourself a mandrake Step: 2 Alt Click it, This will make warly "cook" the food and make him fall asleep because that's what happens with mandrakes Step: 3 While Asleep disconnect from the server, Note I was in a friends server so the world was still active not sure if this matters or not Step: 4 Reconnect and Start alt clicking any food item that can be cooked and it should spawn in as cooked at the point where you disconnected

User Feedback

This is a mod. Something about that one Food Values mod in particular does that. I think it's because in order to get the cooked stats, it has to spawn the cooked item onto you temporarily, or something? And then it just bugs off to some place far away, because you'll totally never find it.

But yeah, 100% a mod.

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