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Unexpected and frequent-ish crash

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Crash is marked as [CRITICAL] and happens regularly during my play sessions, it can happen after a few minutes, up to a few hours into playing, everything in the client_log file is correctly loading without errors until the final lines that state

"[00:18:00]: [CRITICAL] Failed to save file: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/19563104/client_save/session/5D9B21AEB51FE85E/KU_M3ADBwGS_/knownfoods_data
[00:18:00]: [CRITICAL] Fingerprint:hbrjimvnqldgdfflhhoqabgirgnnokeiggjlmiijndrjhhvnmjdgneflujoqbdgiefnnojeipejlviijbdrjehvnijdgjdfltmoqodgihfnnijeiddjltmijlhrjofvntkdgmgfltioqbcgiqinnjkeildjlghijcerjphvnildgnefllioqabgipgnnvjeipdjlghijlhrjtmvnvndgdhflkloqgggisknnnoeioijltmijhdrjghvnvkdgdeflsioqbcgieinnokeildjlkhijbdrjflvnpjdgdeflhhoqgcgikfnnsjeiidjltmijbirjofvnvndgigflgloqeggishnnileimfjlnlijfirjmfvnjmdgohflnloqadgiejnnwleipgjltjijjbrjrmvnnmdgcgflgkoqccgimhnnomeijgjltmijpdrjehvntkdgfdflsioqdbgiefnnsjeiodjlhhijlcrjohvnnkdgcdfljioq.
[00:18:00]: Serializing user: session/5D9B21AEB51FE85E/A7IO6A6IV90S/0000000001
[00:18:00]: Stale Component Reference: GUID 102930, scripts/widgets/widget.lua:362 
[00:18:24]: Assert failure 'false && "Invalid shape type!"' at ..\source\game\components\PhysicsComponent.cpp(562): Trace follows..."

Mods, or no mods, the crash happens. The first time it appear was roughly after the new UI was released and has been happening regularly since then.

I'd appreciate any help if it leads anywhere, thanks.

Steps to Reproduce

I know no way to make it happen consistently, but often happens as i pick up an item that opens up recipes.

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