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Tendency points of beefalo decay over time even if beefalo is not neglected

Pig Princess
  • Pending

When one tames a beefalo, it can gain rider, pudgy and ornery points which determine it's tendency, and it gains domestication over time as well. If one neglects beefalo, i.e. lets it starve while not ridden, both domestication and tendency points decay (which is logical and expected). If there is salt lick nearby, one can afford to neglect beefalo without loosing domestication and tendency points. While beefalo continues to gain domestication (while being fed or ridden) it stops to loose domestication (which is, again, logical and expected). However, even if one continues to gain tendency points (by keeping beefalo well-fed, ride it or attack with it/let it receive hits) tendency points still continue to decay.

Not only it's illogical (even for game logic) to loose rider points while riding, pudgy points while keeping beefalo well-fed, etc., but it also affects balance between points if player wants to tame default beefalo. Particularly, if one accumulates a lot of tendency points of 2 tendencies (for example, rider and ornery points) and some, but not much points of remaining tendency (pudgy), due to never ending tendency points loss eventually all points of that 3rd tendency can be lost and window to get default beefalo would stop to exist. According to my in-game experience and numbers I found in the internet, even if one kept beefalo well-fed for about 2-2.25 days that constant decay is enough to delete all those pudgy points toward the end of domestication period (even for minimal domestication time, i.e. 20 days).

That makes strategy of feeding beefalo well during early days of domestication loosing hard (in both time and resource efficiency) to strategy of feeding beefalo well in the very end of domestication for no particular reason, and it's also counter-intuitive. It also forces me to deliberately overfeeding beefalo to the point of domestication decrease in order to create again that shrinked "default window" which stopped to exist for no reason. I have suspicion that it wasn't intended because of how domestication loss and domestication loss rate behave (domestication loss is not applied and domestication loss rate does not increase if beefalo continues gain domestication, as far as I can tell), and especially because until about 2 years ago similar thing happened to domestication loss rate, which didn't take into account last time domestication was gained and therefore beefalos lost domestication 10 times faster than intended.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Spawn beefalo, saddle and some food for it.

2. Feed beefalo well and keep it well-fed for 1-2 days (for example, by feeding beefalo until it farts during one day, and let it's stomach eventually go empty during 2nd day.

3. Continue to ride it and fight with it, and see that toward the end of domestication period rider and ornery faces alternate without going through default face, unlike in the beginning of domestication.

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