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Structure placing does not perform validation check on actual placement

  • Pending

When placing a structure, a validation check for spacing is not performed upon performing the  build action which can allow you to stack structures together like this:


The main reason I report this is for mod compatibility purposes/futureproofing purposes. Some mods have unique structures that can be placed on water, but due to the scenario of a boat moving onto the position the player chose to build the structure and lack of validation, can have the structure inside of the boats physics box causing some wacky shenanigans.

This can be fixed on the mods end, but I figured it may be better for it to be officially patched in the case the vanilla game does something akin to this (Or some other weird bugs from being able to place structures within each other happens)


I admittedly used this bug myself for the purposes of fun decoration with carpets like these:image.png.5a704a2e07608dfeeb1a329b1f5c5d28.png

Obviously, I wouldn't expect this to be anytime soon, but if I might ask, some proper decorative carpets like the Merm King Thrones that don't block structure placement so that one could decorate as they please akin to this would be awesome.

Apologies for the little feature request packed into this bug report, it's just what I find that most users of this bug like to use it for and might be saddened to lose this as an option.


Steps to Reproduce

1. Have two players start to build a structure at the same spot, or have a blocker move into the initial place position

2. Structure can be placed anyways despite being an invalid space.

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