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Shadow creatures persisting for far too long when sane

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Unsure if it's a bug or not since it's been in the game for years but it would be really nice if klei could just force shadow creatures to immediately buzz off when you're not insane, the amount of times i had to deal with nonsense because they refuse to go away is astounding

Steps to Reproduce

Being insane for a moderate amount of time like 1 or 2 minutes and once you regain sanity sometimes nightmare creatures stick around for far too long and it's annoying (sometimes not even that amount since the on the fuelweaver fight nightmare creatures also stick around for a very long time even though you only equipped the nightmare amulet for a couple of seconds)

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User Feedback

I think you are being attacked by nightmare creatures because you are insane (causing the nightmare creatures to aggro) then you gain some sanity to be sane but since the aggro of nightmare creatures only change once they attack they dont "buzz off" as you may think.


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20 hours ago, qwertyxavier904 said:

I think you are being attacked by nightmare creatures because you are insane (causing the nightmare creatures to aggro) then you gain some sanity to be sane but since the aggro of nightmare creatures only change once they attack they dont "buzz off" as you may think.


That's also part of the problem, i did notice that they change aggro only after they attempt an attack at you but sometimes it takes 2 or multiple baited attacks for them to deaggro despite the fact you're sane and it's annoying (when you're only fighting nightmare creatures this isn't a problem but nightmare creatures are always a problem when you're dealing with something else like a boss, not being able to get rid of them despite baiting attacks while sane seems like a bug to me)

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