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Pengulls sometimes STILL not attacking

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This bug still happens, although probably not as often or with as many of them. Tried it with a blowdart, tried to hit them with a ham bat, punched them... all ended up in about only half of them attacking from a crowd/herd/group and sometimes only the one you attacked attacks.

Attacked them via fire staff, ice staff, cat o' three tails... ice staff rarely gave a response from even the one I attacked and gave no response most other times, fire staff only mostly had the ones that I attacked attack me (although awlays, I believe) and cat o' three tails had none of them ever attack me from multiple hits.

Perhaps it has something to do with their prioritisation of moving to the spot where they are supposed to settle and them defending their eggs that causes this bug.

Restarted, spawned in a tentacle... looks like they have a bite attack too! When the pengulls do hit you, they de-aggroe straight away sometimes and then re-aggroe when you get close enough. They seem to sometimes bounce off of you and then target you again, so may be this also has something to do with them glitching out. Sometimes when hitting me, they jiggle on-spot (kind of like players do when a target dies right before you are in-range to attack).

Thing is, I don't know what exactly they are supposed to do and when and the wiki doesn't tell me much in terms of that either, just that they attack when aggroed.

Steps to Reproduce
Try reproducing some of the stuff mentioned in this topic. I am not entirely sure how or why their behaviour is so bizzarely strange half the time.
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