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Multiple mobs that may target food/location may run into each other, preventing each other from moving

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Not entirely sure how to replicate this well, although I know that this happens for bees and pigs (hence possibly for bunnymen, hounds and some other mobs).

If a mob targets food that is on the ground or is trying to get to their house/bee box or whatever else is their parent home, they may collide with each other at one point, preventing each other from moving anywhere. This may be a bit of a problem for navigation and placement of structures sometimes.

The following may be some ways to replicate this, although since this is quite rare of an issue, it isn't guaranteed.

The running into each other thing typically happens with 3 or 4 mobs, as with two this cannot happen due to the collision boxes being circular.

Steps to Reproduce
1) Place a bunch of pig houses in one spot and build a large wall pen nearby the houses and place some food in it for pigs to target. 2) Observe as sometimes pigs may run into each other when targeting the food (moving in the opposite direction as each other) or, if they haven't targeted the food, they may run into each other like this when running home. OR 1) Build a bunch of bee boxes in one place with flowers around. 2) Harvest the honey produced. 3) At dusk or possibly any other time, you may observe some bees running into each other.

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