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Mole Holes underneath structures.

  • Pending

Moles can make their holes exacly underneath structures, not allowing us to shovel, to get rid of them.

Also would there be a possibility of having a World Setting that would allow us to disable Rabbits, Moles and anything else that drops from earthquakes to actually stay in the ground?
I know we can disable the Earthquakes, but i do enjoy the threat of getting high damage if i get hit by something falling, i would just love a setting that would make everything that touches the ground to despawn, instead of just half of it, as-well as not having to deal with rabbits and moles.
(If the above is too hard, maybe just make it so the caves setting that disables moles, also disables them from the earthquake?)

Best Regards,


ps. Walter Ammo Rounds are undestructable unlike the minerals, but moles still steal them. Is this an intended feature? Since this is a special resource should it be stolen by moles?



Steps to Reproduce

1. Be in the caves
2. Mole drops from earthquake
3. Mole creates hole underneath structures, making it impossible to dig it.

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