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Mods stuck in eternal "update" loop on Steam

  • Fixed

It was working fine yesterday, but now when I went to update my mods, it said it had 6 that needed updating.  Okay, so I hit the update button.  Three happened immediately, but then for the other three, it just got stuck whirling the little arrow-circle forever.  To make absolutely sure it was stuck and not just slow, I literally _vacuumed my floor AND put away my laundry_ while letting it "load" in the background.

Also, for some reason it was no longer telling me _which_ mods needed updating.  Like, normally there'd be a little pink icon with an up arrow in the corner of each mod's...entry on the list.  Like this:


If it was ones that I hardly ever use, I would've just started playing.  But since I don't know, it might be something I DO use, so...

Edit:  Okay so when I went back into the game again (I'd also restarted Steam; don't know if that made a difference here or not) none of my mods needed updating anymore, which must mean that at some point they DID update, but the game just never _told_ me so.  So, not as bad of a glitch as I thought originally, but still annoying.

Steps to Reproduce

...download mods from the Steam workshop and wait until some of them need updating?  That's all I did.

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User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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