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Mod options: hover text carryover when only some options have a hover field

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If you only give a "hover" key to some choices in an options list, then in-game, if the player mouses over an option with a hover text, that same hover text will remain stuck if he switches to other options, until he reaches an option with a "hover" key or re-opens the mod configuration window.

example (modinfo.lua)

local number_options = { {description = "0", data = 0, hover = "Minimum."} }
for n = 1,10 do
	number_options[#number_options + 1] = {description = ""..n, data = n}
number_options[#number_options + 1] = {description = "99", data = 99, hover = "Maximum."}
number_options[5+1].hover = "middle"

configuration_options = {
		label = "My option 1", 
		name = "myopt1",
		hover = "Please choose a number.",
		options = number_options,
		default = 0,
		label = "My option 2", 
		name = "myopt2",
		hover = "Please choose a letter.",
		options = {
			{description = "A", data = 1},
			{description = "B", data = 2},
			{description = "C", data = 3},
			{description = "D", data = 4, hover = "Dandelion"}, -- once you choose this option (scroll to it), it will cause all other options to have this same hover text, until you reopen the config window.
			{description = "E", data = 5},
			{description = "F", data = 6},
		default = 1,

This seemingly can't really be worked around at the moment, as giving the options you don't want to have a hover text a hover = "" or hover = " " will work to bypass this, but both will show an ugly small empty background graphic on option mouseover, instead of nothing.


Steps to Reproduce
1) In a mod configuration window, select an option with a hover text. 2) Switch to the next or previous options; if they have no hover text, the hover text from the previous option will appear on mouseover, instead of no text. This will repeat if consecutive options have no hover text.

User Feedback

Yes, this really happens.
My solution to this is to add "\n" to every hover I don't want a hover tooltip.
( \n is used to make an indention. the result will be just nothing in this case)

Edited by Serpens
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@Serpens: That works perfectly as a workaround, for now. Giving an option hover = "\n" forces it to never have any tooltip at all, not a carried-over one nor even an ugly blank one. Thanks for sharing! :)

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