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Merm's name on Merm Throne shows up as "Merm", not "Royal-In-Progress"

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Merms sitting on the throne are supposed to change their name to "Royal-In-Progress". However this only works on forest-only worlds to the host, this is because the name change is only applied on the server side in mermkingmanager.lua

function MermKingManager:ShouldGoToThrone(merm, throne)
	if throne ~= nil and self:IsThroneValid(throne) then
		if self:GetKing() == nil and (self:GetCandidate(throne) == nil or self:IsThroneCandidate(merm, throne)) then
			if self:GetCandidate(throne) == nil then
				self.candidates[throne] = merm
				merm.nameoverride = "MERM_PRINCE"
                self.inst:ListenForEvent("onremove", OnCandidateRemoved, merm)
				self.inst:ListenForEvent("death", OnCandidateRemoved, merm)
			return true

	return false

The name change needs to be applied to the clients side in order to be fixed.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Host a forest-only world and get a merm on the throne, notice it shows up as "Royal-In-Progress"
2. Host a world with caves enabled(thus become a client) and notice it shows up as just "Merm"
3. despair

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