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Malbatross quickly despawns when no more fish at shoal

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This has happened multiple times in my past few runs. When Malbatross spawns on the shoal she proceeds to eat the rest of the fish in the shoal then immediately flies away. If the final shoalfish is the one that triggers Malbatross she will stick around long enough to squawk once then peace out.

If this is working as intended then I beseech you to reconsider. It makes the odds of successfully force-spawning Malbatross and engaging it even harder if the player only has a few seconds to aggro the boss before she despawns. I usually generate fewer than 10 shoals in the world, then once I discover one the odds of force-spawning are already low (5%). Last run I fished up 40+ bass only to have her spawn and instantly fly away. I want to fight the boss but it's becoming even more of an unpredictable time-sink than is worth. I would love for it to stick around at least a couple of minutes after the shoal has been depleted, or better yet not despawn at all. I'm not sure what this mechanic accomplishes.


Steps to Reproduce

Spawn Malbatross at a shoal.

Let her eat all the remaining fish.

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