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Linux dedicated server bug with persistant storage folder

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I noticed a bug when I updated my server today (last update was before caves), I understood the new cave system and so reinstalled completely the server to be sure to avoid any problem with previous version.

I was using the command line parameter -persistent_storage_root Configs and a subfolder called Configs was then created in data/ and configuration files where inside this folder.

It is not working anymore, if you use this command line parameter with only a folder name, it tries to create it under bin/ and then fail to read/save config files, server then stop itself. 


./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -port 15047 -players 64 -persistent_storage_root Configs -cluster Server -shard Master
p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
PersistRootStorage is now Configs//DoNotStarveTogether/Server/Master/
Starting Up
Version: 166529
Current time: Thu Feb 18 05:38:52 2016

System Name: Linux
Host Name: sd-56097
Release(Kernel) Version: 3.2.0-98-generic
Kernel Build Timestamp: #138-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 11 12:33:01 UTC 2016
Machine Arch: x86_64
Don't Starve Together: 166529 LINUX
NNN Build Date: 147
Parsing command line
Command Line Arguments: -port 15047 -players 64 -persistent_storage_root Configs -cluster Server -shard Master
THREAD - started 'GAClient' (4136663872)
Legacy saves detected. Migrating to new structure...
[Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)
Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
Error trying to change cluster setting (NETWORK->cluster_intention) from '' to 'cooperative'
OnLoadPermissionList: Configs//DoNotStarveTogether/Server/blocklist.txt (Failure)
OnLoadPermissionList: Configs//DoNotStarveTogether/Server/adminlist.txt (Failure)
OnLoadUserIdList: Configs//DoNotStarveTogether/Server/whitelist.txt (Failure)
Renderer initialize: Okay
AnimManager initialize: Okay
Buffers initialize: Okay
FMOD Error: An invalid object handle was used.
GameSpecific initialize: Okay
DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
scripts/main.lua(166,1) running main.lua
Could not load modindex    
ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
[CRITICAL] Failed to save file: Configs//DoNotStarveTogether/Server/Master/save/modindex
[CRITICAL] Fingerprint:hbrjsjvntkdggkflsioqfhginfnnnpeiddjlioijddrjsjvnpjdggkfltmoqfhgiejnnnpeiofjlioijldrjsjvnsmdggkfltioqfhgipgnnnpeingjlioijaerjsjvnnkdggkflghoqfhgingnnnpeipdjlioijacrjsjvntkdggkfllioqfhgiofnnnpeioejlioijmdrjsjvnjkdggkflghoqfhgiejnnnpeingjlioijbdrjsjvnojdggkflkhoqfhgiofnnnpeimejlioijlhrjsjvnrmdggkfljioqfhgiqgnnnpeioejlioijbdrjsjvnojdggkfltmoqfhgiqgnnnpeildjlioijcerjsjvnjkdggkfltmoqfhgigfnnnpeijdjlioijadrjsjvnvkdggkflsioqfhgipfnnnpeipdjlioijmerjsjvn.
[CRITICAL] Failed to save file: Configs//DoNotStarveTogether/Server/Master/save/modindex
[CRITICAL] Fingerprint:hbrjsjvntkdggkflsioqfhginfnnnpeiddjlioijddrjsjvnpjdggkfltmoqfhgiejnnnpeiofjlioijldrjsjvnsmdggkfltioqfhgipgnnnpeingjlioijaerjsjvnnkdggkflghoqfhgingnnnpeipdjlioijacrjsjvntkdggkfllioqfhgiofnnnpeioejlioijmdrjsjvnjkdggkflghoqfhgiejnnnpeingjlioijbdrjsjvnojdggkflkhoqfhgiofnnnpeimejlioijlhrjsjvnrmdggkfljioqfhgiqgnnnpeioejlioijbdrjsjvnojdggkfltmoqfhgiqgnnnpeildjlioijcerjsjvnjkdggkfltmoqfhgigfnnnpeijdjlioijadrjsjvnvkdggkflsioqfhgipfnnnpeipdjlioijmerjsjvn.
FMOD Error: An invalid object handle was used.
PlayerDeaths could not load morgue    
PlayerHistory could not load player_history    
bloom_enabled    false    
Could not load saveindex    
    Load FE    
    Load FE: done    
[CRITICAL] Failed to save file: Configs//DoNotStarveTogether/Server/Master/save/modindex
[CRITICAL] Fingerprint:hbrjsjvntkdggkflsioqfhginfnnnpeiddjlioijddrjsjvnpjdggkfltmoqfhgiejnnnpeiofjlioijldrjsjvnsmdggkfltioqfhgipgnnnpeingjlioijaerjsjvnnkdggkflghoqfhgingnnnpeipdjlioijacrjsjvntkdggkfllioqfhgiofnnnpeioejlioijmdrjsjvnjkdggkflghoqfhgiejnnnpeingjlioijbdrjsjvnojdggkflkhoqfhgiofnnnpeimejlioijlhrjsjvnrmdggkfljioqfhgiqgnnnpeioejlioijbdrjsjvnojdggkfltmoqfhgiqgnnnpeildjlioijcerjsjvnjkdggkfltmoqfhgigfnnnpeijdjlioijadrjsjvnvkdggkflsioqfhgipfnnnpeipdjlioijmerjsjvn.
[CRITICAL] Failed to save file: Configs//DoNotStarveTogether/Server/Master/save/boot_modindex
[CRITICAL] Fingerprint:hbrjsjvntkdggkflsioqfhginfnnnpeiddjlioijddrjsjvnpjdggkfltmoqfhgiejnnnpeiofjlioijldrjsjvnsmdggkfltioqfhgipgnnnpeingjlioijaerjsjvnnkdggkflghoqfhgingnnnpeipdjlioijacrjsjvntkdggkfllioqfhgiofnnnpeioejlioijmdrjsjvnjkdggkflghoqfhgiejnnnpeingjlioijbdrjsjvnojdggkflkhoqfhgiofnnnpeimejlioijlhrjsjvnrmdggkfljioqfhgiqgnnnpeioejlioijbdrjsjvnojdggkfltmoqfhgiqgnnnpeildjlioijcerjsjvnjkdggkfltmoqfhgirfnnnpeijdjlioijldrjsjvnijdggkfltjoqfhgigfnnnpeijdjlioijadrjsjvnvkdggkflsioqfhgipfnnnpeipdjlioijmerjsjvn.
ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.    
[string "scripts/mainfunctions.lua"]:827: Unable to write to config directory. Please make sure you have permissions for your Klei save folder.
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=[C]:-1 in (global) assert (C) <-1--1>
scripts/mainfunctions.lua:827 in () ? (Lua) <816-828>

[string "scripts/mainfunctions.lua"]:827: Unable to write to config directory. Please make sure you have permissions for your Klei save folder.
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
    =[C]:-1 in (global) assert (C) <-1--1>
    scripts/mainfunctions.lua:827 in () ? (Lua) <816-828>
Reset() returning
[200] Account Failed (6): "E_INVALID_TOKEN"
!!!! Your Server Will Not Start !!!!
No auth token could be found.
To generate a cluster_token you must
open the console from a logged-in game
client with the tilda key (~ / \ufffd) and type:
This will create 'cluster_token.txt' in
your client settings directory. Copy this
into your cluster settings directory.
[Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)


I deleted and reinstalled server then. I found that if you use complete path it works correctly like this -persistent_storage_root /home/user/server_folder/data/Configs it correctly creates a folder called Configs in which folders and files are generated, server then works and you can join it.



Steps to Reproduce
Start server with command line containing -persistent_storage_root XXX where XXX is the subfolder where you want config files to be stored

User Feedback

Bug is also happening with -persistent_storage_root ./ (creating subfolder in bin/ and failing to read/write config, but it works good with -persistent_storage_root ../ (creating subfolder in main server folder)

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Hello Omano,

The argument  -persistent_storage_root  was not meant to be used with a relative Path. By default, the game writes its data in ~/.klei/. This is the storage root.

If you use  -persistent_storage_root, please give it an absolute path, otherwise the path will be resolved from the installation bin (yes it was data before) directory. In order to select the sub-folder in this directory, you should use -cluster XX.

Also, can you check that the bin folder have the permission that the data folder ? Maybe you just need to add write permission to the bin folder.

Thanks for the report

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Ok thanks for the reply. with relative path when it was working with the data/ folder everything was fine, but I was just lucky it was working as I understand. The relative path was and is still required for me, but as ../ works fine as a path for now, it is my solution (I needed it to make DST server compatible with Open Game Panel http://www.opengamepanel.org/forum/index.php a project to manage/install game servers) So for now I found everything I needed and DST servers install, configure, and runs fine now in OGP with CAVES supported too with a little trick (the two processes is not helping with Open Game Panel as you need different game server folders for each process/server you start)

edit: bin/ permission were 771 and other folders  are 775 maybe that was the problem but do not think so, my user should still be able to read/write


edit2: issue can be closed but I don't have power (or knowledge) to do that.

Edited by omano

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