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Infinite torch duration exploit, part 2

  • Fixed

During one of the updates the fueled component was changed from immediately removing a bit of its fuel source when turning on to being delayed by one logical tick in the timer scheduler (1/30th of a second).


The issue happens if someone equips and unequips a torch faster than 30 times a second, the timer that handles draining the fuel is created and then cancelled before the next scheduler tick happens and the function callback is never called.

From components/fueled.lua:240-247::

function Fueled:StartConsuming()
    self.consuming = true
    if self.task == nil then
        self.task = self.firstperiod ~= nil and
            self.inst:DoTaskInTime(0, OnDoFirstUpdate, self, self.currentfuel >= self.maxfuel and self.firstperiodfull or self.firstperiod) or
            self.inst:DoPeriodicTask(self.period, OnDoUpdate, nil, self, self.period)

The OnDoFirstUpdate doesn't get called if the client sends in the unequip (or equip another torch in cursor inventory for easier management) quicker than 1/30th of a second.



Old bug for reference:


Steps to Reproduce
Equip a torch, then hold another in the cursor inventory, and then run "TheNet:SendRPCToServer(RPC.SwapEquipWithActiveItem)" more than 30 times a second. The two torches will not drain in durability but provide light.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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