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Force attack fails when a target which can be targeted by a normal attack is in range.

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I set both my "Attack" and "Force Attack (mod)" controls has the same key for convience is sake to have a key when I press on something I can guarantee I will attack it. Before several updates ago when I last played the game this worked perfectly. I would be able to press the key and target the closest entity or I could hold the key then click on a target which can only be force attacked like a tamed pigman or chester for example and it would work as well even if I was nearby another target like a spider.

In short I would be able to target what I want to target either by being close to the entity or click on my desired target and I would 100% go up to attack that target regardless if other targets are near me or not.


I don't know which update broke this, but I would guess one of the updates which was changing attack states and stuff.. anyways I find this to be very annoying and even though it only happens if you have both Attack and Force Attack (mod) set to the same key it's still a legitimate bug that should be fixed.


Here's a gif of the bug in action. As you can see I'm trying to force attack a tamed pig which I hold down the key and click to force attack the pig and then when I let go unlike previous versions when I last played I will go torwards it but then start going torwards the spider I did not click on and attack it instead.



I think the best fix for this bug would be that if the player wants to force attack an entity and clicks on them to force attack them just like previous versions of the game it should ignore any normal attack actions from occurring. :D

Steps to Reproduce

Have your attack and force attack (mod) key be the same

Tame a pig

Have your tamed pig be close to a target capable of being attacked without force attack

Hold your attack key and click on your tamed pig

Attack the other target instead of the target you have specifically told the game to target

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