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Depth worms can be identified from actual glowberry plants by watching sanity drain

  • Fixed

This is more of an exploitable overlook than a bug, to my understanding. Essentially, standing near depth worms that are disguised as glowberries will give you insanity aura of the depth worm even when disguised, meaning that you'll know even before they have revealed themselves that they are a depth worm.

Steps to Reproduce
1) Go into caves. 2) Stand next to an actual glowberry plant. 3) Stand next to a depth worm disguised as a glowberry plant and see that you get insanity aura, letting you know that it's a depth worm even before falling for it (and hence possibly preventing you falling for it)

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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