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Crash if Walrus pet Hounds die/disappear during night

  • Pending

In winter, Walrus camps are populated by hunting parties, but the ice hounds sleep outside. If either of those die or otherwise are removed (I used c_removeall("icehound") in the log), the server crashes when the Walrus comes out.

No mods. However, this doesn't usually happen in the vanilla game because the hounds alert the Walrus to come outside when engaging in combat.



[00:06:34]: [(OU_76561198051415780) Mobbstar] ReceiveRemoteExecute(c_spawn("walrus_camp")) @(132.53, 106.21)
[00:06:47]: [(OU_76561198051415780) Mobbstar] ReceiveRemoteExecute(c_removeall("icehound")) @(107.24, 77.21)
[00:06:47]: removed    2    
[00:06:58]: [(OU_76561198051415780) Mobbstar] ReceiveRemoteExecute(TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setphase","day")) @(107.24, 77.21)
[00:06:58]: [string "scripts/components/follower.lua"]:8: attempt to index field 'follower' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
scripts/components/follower.lua:8 in (field) ? (Lua) <7-9>
   self =
      canaccepttarget = true
      inst = 100642 - icehound (valid:false)
      _ = table: 069D0AE8
      OnLeaderRemoved = function - scripts/components/follower.lua:22
   leader = 100744 - little_walrus (valid:true)
scripts/class.lua:30 in () ? (Lua) <23-32>
   t = table: 069D0A48
   k = leader
   v = 100744 - little_walrus (valid:true)
   p = table: 069D0660
   old = nil
scripts/components/follower.lua:129 in (method) SetLeader (Lua) <113-143>
   self =
      canaccepttarget = true
      inst = 100642 - icehound (valid:false)
      _ = table: 069D0AE8
      OnLeaderRemoved = function - scripts/components/follower.lua:22
   inst = 100744 - little_walrus (valid:true)
scripts/components/leader.lua:94 in (method) AddFollower (Lua) <90-113>
   self =
      _onfollowerremoved = function - scripts/components/leader.lua:23
      inst = 100744 - little_walrus (valid:true)
      followers = table: 069D4BE8
      numfollowers = 1
      _onfollowerdied = function - scripts/components/leader.lua:22
   follower = 100642 - icehound (valid:false)
scripts/components/follower.lua:118 in (method) SetLeader (Lua) <113-143>
   self =
      canaccepttarget = true
      inst = 100642 - icehound (valid:false)
      _ = table: 069D0AE8
      OnLeaderRemoved = function - scripts/components/follower.lua:22
   inst = 100744 - little_walrus (valid:true)
scripts/prefabs/walrus_camp.lua:250 in (upvalue) SpawnHuntingParty (Lua) <206-266>
   inst = 100638 - walrus_camp (valid:true)
   target = nil
   houndsonly = false
   transformsToSet = table: 061651D0
   leader = 100743 - walrus (valid:true)
   companion = 100744 - little_walrus (valid:true)
   existing_hounds = table: 069D5480
   i = 1
   hound = 100642 - icehound (valid:false)
scripts/prefabs/walrus_camp.lua:271 in (upvalue) CheckSpawnHuntingParty (Lua) <268-274>
   inst = 100638 - walrus_camp (valid:true)
   target = nil
   houndsonly = false
scripts/prefabs/walrus_camp.lua:298 in (field) ? (Lua) <296-299>
   inst = 100638 - walrus_camp (valid:true)
scripts/components/worldstate.lua:42 in (upvalue) SetVariable (Lua) <24-48>
   var = isday
   val = true
   togglename = day
   watchers = table: 06D6CE10
   k = 100638 - walrus_camp (valid:true)
   v = table: 06D6CC80
   i = 1
   fn = table: 06D6CCA8
scripts/components/worldstate.lua:72 in (local) fn (Lua) <70-78>
   src = 100026 - world (valid:true)
   phase = day
scripts/entityscript.lua:1040 in (method) PushEvent (Lua) <1027-1054>
   self (valid:true) =
      GUID = 100026
      inlimbo = false
      Pathfinder = Pathfinder (15367C48)
      worldstatewatching = table: 05CA8F68
      worldprefab = forest
      ismastershard = true
      shard = 100030 - shard_network (valid:true)
      OnRemoveEntity = function - scripts/prefabs/world.lua:268
      pendingtasks = table: 05CB99F8
      hideminimap = false
      state = table: 07508D88
      name = The World
      Transform = Transform (15367A48)
      generated = table: 07AF5048
      event_listening = table: 07509B98
      actioncomponents = table: 075046E8
      lower_components_shadow = table: 075043C8
      entity = Entity (14F54F70)
      prefab = world
      updatecomponents = table: 05CB9AC0
      Map = Map (15367BC8)
      watchingcycles = true
      net = 100029 - forest_network (valid:true)
      persists = false
      meta = table: 07AF4990
      GroundCreep = GroundCreep (15367968)
      SoundEmitter = SoundEmitter (15367C88)
      minimap = 100027 - minimap (valid:true)
      PostInit = function - scripts/prefabs/world.lua:246
      ismastersim = true
      has_ocean = true
      event_listeners = table: 07509828
      replica = table: 07504620
      topology = table: 07B9A660
      components = table: 07503F40
      spawntime = 0
   event = phasechanged
   data = day
   listeners = table: 07509FD0
   tocall = table: 06165040
   i = 1
   fn = function - scripts/components/worldstate.l
[00:06:58]: [string "scripts/components/follower.lua"]:8: attempt to index field 'follower' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
    scripts/components/follower.lua:8 in (field) ? (Lua) <7-9>
    scripts/class.lua:30 in () ? (Lua) <23-32>
    scripts/components/follower.lua:129 in (method) SetLeader (Lua) <113-143>
    scripts/components/leader.lua:94 in (method) AddFollower (Lua) <90-113>
    scripts/components/follower.lua:118 in (method) SetLeader (Lua) <113-143>
    scripts/prefabs/walrus_camp.lua:250 in (upvalue) SpawnHuntingParty (Lua) <206-266>
    scripts/prefabs/walrus_camp.lua:271 in (upvalue) CheckSpawnHuntingParty (Lua) <268-274>
    scripts/prefabs/walrus_camp.lua:298 in (field) ? (Lua) <296-299>
    scripts/components/worldstate.lua:42 in (upvalue) SetVariable (Lua) <24-48>
    scripts/components/worldstate.lua:72 in (local) fn (Lua) <70-78>
    scripts/entityscript.lua:1040 in (method) PushEvent (Lua) <1027-1054>
    scripts/components/clock.lua:333 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <258-372>
    scripts/update.lua:202 in () ? (Lua) <159-238>



Steps to Reproduce
1) Join or make a server with active Walrus camps. 2) Wait until night. 3) Remove one or several icehounds. 4) Wait until day.

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