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caves causing lag in don't starve together

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I only lag when caves are activated, from experimenting I've deduced that it is caused by the fact that caves are ran on a different server than the overworld, the only solution I've found so far is a mod called don't starve alone, but with this mod you cant play with anyone. if anyone knows of another solution to fix this issue please let me know

Steps to Reproduce

activate caves

I have a fairly High tier pc 

32 gb of ram

3080 ti

and good wifi so i dont think those two factors could be causing my issue.

User Feedback

there is no current solution unfortunately for playing with others cause the way the game works it hosts 2 server/world at the same time when you have caves enabeld, what ds alone mod does is it makes it that when your in the cave or overworld the other world gets closed until you go into it which is pretty amazing.

if klei were to add a ds alone feature into the game as an option for players so only the host can go between worlds and everyone on the world will be teleported with the host then it would be possible to have multiplayer worlds with no lag, but klei will probably never do that.


you can also try using a mod which adds everything from the caves on the overworld to have less or no lag like when caves are enabled

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