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By the off chance it happen to rain during summer, and you are close to the oasis desert, the sand storm effects and it's pond are gone during the duration of that time.

Noah Shakur
  • Pending

I once discovered this weird anomaly awhile back, I believe it happen somewhere close to the ending of last year's Halloween event, so the exact day I first saw this can be near the 29th of October. I thought nothing of it at the time, since I'd figured it would be found in a short time span, and I didn't quite had a profile yet to be able to join the game's official forms. During yesterday's night, I once again encounter this same odd quirk and felt it was necessary to post about the experience, and see if other players have ran into this problem too. The issue title speaks for itself. If it happen to rain during summer, (which even if it was rare for it to happen, you could always go the world gen options to set rain to "lots" and would still get the same results.) the oasis' sand storm would suddenly stop in it's tracks, and the pond would dry out like if it was any other season. However, after a few minutes or so, the pond and storm will eventually come back. It's a mystery to me if Antlion is still active during this point in time, but I will note that every cactus in the dessert will still be in their bloom state. If I were to theorize the game's logic when this bug was happening, I think the rain made the oasis thought it was still spring, so it decided to "turn off" most of it's features. Of course, when the rain has ended, the oasis now comes to the realization that it's still summer, and now starts "turning on" it's features again. This is my first time writing about a bug report, and perhaps the first time I ever posted something on a form, so please tell me if I need to restructure my future paragraphs to be more to the point, less wordy, and it not being to long winded.         

Steps to Reproduce

If you want to try this for yourself, you can make a separate world with rain set to "tons", summer being the starting season, and all you have to do is walk your way to the oasis dessert to see this being the case. I attempted this shortly after seeing the bug for the second time, and it seems the bug is still a thing that can possible happen in your normal servers.

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