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bird_mutant_splitter bug regarding combat component

  • Pending

I have a mod that has a prefab that can taunt surrounding enemies, using forced components.combat:SetTarget(). It normally works fine. 

However, I got this crash with bird_mutant_splitter: https://pastebin.com/k01WM8Fg

I'm pretty familiar with this bug, it's often due to some code set components.combat.target directly without using SetTarget, thus combat.losetargetcallback never set, then when my prefab calls forced SetTarget, it crashes from assertion error.


I find these code that may have caused the issue:


local function AttackTarget(inst)
    local target = CanBirdAttack(inst)
    if target then
        inst.components.combat.target = target


and SGbird_mutant.lua:150

            TimeEvent(8*FRAMES, function(inst) 
                    inst.components.combat.target = nil
				end ),


I guess it's more likely the AttackTarget one.

Please fix this, thanks.

Steps to Reproduce

- I spawned Abigail.

- I c_spawned 5 mutant bird splitter + 1 of my prefab (called mutantdefenderbee).

- After a few times, it would crash. 

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