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Beefalos Wake Up In The Caves For Some Reason Rather Than Staying Asleep Like Other Mobs

  • Pending

In the caves, when surface-based mobs like pigs and birds in birdcages are in complete darkness, they stay asleep.

For some reason, beefalos do not follow this. Instead, they will wake up when it hits daytime, but at one point in time, the beefalos were working like the rest of the mobs and staying asleep.


Steps to Reproduce

When mobs are in areas of sunlight/light in the caves, they wake up the same way they do on the surface based on the day/dusk/night cycle.

When said mobs are in areas of darkness in the caves and go to sleep at night, they stay asleep in said area of darkness, regardless if it's day/dusk/night (unless there is a source of light).

For some reason, Beefalos do not do this and treat areas of complete darkness in the caves the same as the surface day/night cycle, and I'm not sure why since they worked like the other mobs before.


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