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Archive Pillars have a chance to permanently become broken every time you relog

  • Fixed

Archive Pillars have two states, regular and broken, just for visual purposes. There's a 20% chance they're broken when generated and the game correctly saves that information so that they stay broken every relog. Problem is, it doesn't keep track of which ones AREN'T supposed to be broken, so it rolls the 20% chance every relog again. Given enough time, every Pillar will eventually become broken.

Steps to Reproduce

1) Find some Archive Pillars and keep track of which ones are regular and which ones are broken

2) Relog several times

3) Notice how the broken ones always stay broken, but the regular ones sometimes become broken and stay that way forever

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User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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