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Itens aren't displayed properly, passive Lorf of the Fruit Flies, Woodie's transformation metter innacurate

  • Pending

These are more bugs that I have found playing in the beta today:

1. When opening the server and having having a Lorf of the Fruit Flies already spawned, he turns passive for some reason. You can attack him and it won't respond and accept it's death.

2. When putting cooked kelp or normal kelp in the ground, it's default image isn't showed. Instead, a strange item texture appears.

3. I saw it only once playing with my friend that was using Woodie. He was transformed as the Weremoose and his mini icon was showing the Werebeaver. I don't know if it was also not showing the right transformation in the players tab.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Waiting for a Lord of the Fruit Flies to spawn, then you close the server (wait for it to save or force save before) and open it wight afterways. You will have a pet Lord now!

2. Putting the items cooked kelp and kelp in the ground.

3. Asking someone to enter your world as Woodie, transforming and waiting him to be out of your vision range.

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