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Creatures caught in traps can vanish.

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I knew about this for a while now, but had no idea how to pull it off reliably.
Well I now figured out that if you attempt to pick up a trap before whatever creature is being caught with it has actually been caught, the caught creature will just disappear.
The trap will lose no durability at least, but it is still confusing when you try to catch something but it fails due to this. 
I'm not 100% sure if this is an issue that is in dire need of fixing, but I figured I might as well report it now that I know how to do it reliably.

Steps to Reproduce

Tell your character to pick up a trap right as it is catching something (specifically: before it's catching anim is over, but obviously while a creature is getting trapped in it so the bug can even occur).
If done correctly, you should pick up the trap after the creature has been caught, but you won't get whatever is in the trap.

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