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Game Disconnect Bug

  • Fixed

After playing for a long enough time in a round, everyone gets disconnected.

I think its a time based thing, and after enough time it just disconnects everyone. It's happened to me once since every other game we had to leave early since we screwed up, but it's happened a steam friend I have every game he's played. It could be the servers or just the update changed something in the game that might have not been accounted for, so when something happens that would normally work fine, but the update changes, it's solution is to kick everyone. I'm not really a programmer, so this is just my theory.

Steps to Reproduce
Not sure what steps are needed and what are not but here is everything we had on the server when it happened: 1) Create a game and make a password 2) Play for a while 3) Cook a lot of dishes 4) Eventually you will get disconnected

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

We are currently looking into this. Next time this happensĀ could you post or attach your log file? (\Documents\Klei\DoNotStarveTogether\client_log.txt)

  • Thanks 1

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