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sharkboi can get stuck in fin state

  • Fixed

sharkboi can get stuck in fin state if he transitions to "fin" at the same time that `ShouldBeDefeated` starts returning true. I believe there needs to be an addition to the graph to allow transitions between either fin or fin_stop and the defeat state.

The behavior when this happens is that he will just follow the player around endlessly underneath the ice just showing his fin.

Relogging fixed the issue for me.



Steps to Reproduce

This is practically a race condition so good luck, but I think the behavior is well understood enough that a repro may not be needed. If you want to try, just make sure to drop sharkboi's HP below the defeat threshold _as_ he transitions to the fin state.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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