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ItemTile widget shows weird behavior for stacks above 4096

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Issue is taken from this post. Main points from the post:

“When debugging, I've discovered that ItemTile:SetQuantity gets called with 4096 instead of the real value for some unknown reason.

  • on a server with caves it gets called twice when you overflow 4096: first time with the real value, second time with 4096. After that it gets weirder. If you add N items on top of the previous X (X > 4096), it again gets called twice: with 4096 + N (not X + N) and then again with 4096. Similarly if you remove N items from the pile X (X > 4096 + N), it gets called first with 4096 - N (not X - N) and then with 4096
  • on a server without caves it gets called with the real value, but whenever you close and open the chest back up, it gets called with 4096 (one time). When you change the quantity after that it gets fixed until you close the chest again”

Steps to Reproduce

Show stacks above 999, and notice the behavior in servers/cave worlds

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