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Crash when earthquaker activated while in the Ancient Guardians Maze.

  • Fixed

Happened during a cave in, quaker failed to "GetSpawnPoint"

Was simply wandering around the ruins, specifically the maze around the Ancient Guardian.

I figure it may be an interaction between explosives setting off earthquakes, and new code added alongside the support pillars in the beta update.

Steps to Reproduce

Earthquake occurred via an explosive while in the Ancient Guardians Ruins Maze.


[00:08:10]: [string "scripts/vector3.lua"]:10: attempt to index local 'rhs' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
scripts/vector3.lua:10 in () ? (Lua) <9-11>
   self =
      y = -2.0580118942348e-008
      x = 558.33099365234
      z = -413.5348815918
   rhs = nil
scripts/components/quaker.lua:374 in (upvalue) GetSpawnPoint (Lua) <359-381>
   pt = (558.33, -0.00, -413.53)
   rad = nil
   minrad = nil
   theta = 1.125436312619
   radius = 32.17586875711
   result_offset = nil
scripts/components/quaker.lua:398 in (field) fn (Lua) <385-404>
   player = 110566 - wilson (valid:true)
   reschedulefn = function - scripts/components/quaker.lua:407
   px = 558.33099365234
   py = -2.0580118942348e-008
   pz = -413.5348815918
   char_pos = (558.33, -0.00, -413.53)
   override_prefab = nil
   rad = nil
   override_density = nil
   riftspawner = table: 0000000027F49930
scripts/scheduler.lua:186 in (method) OnTick (Lua) <164-216>
   self =
      running = table: 000000001023D8B0
      waitingfortick = table: 000000001023D9A0
      hibernating = table: 000000001023DA90
      tasks = table: 000000001023D860
      waking = table: 000000001088DB40
      attime = table: 000000001023DAE0
   tick = 7837
   k = PERIODIC 110566: 0.166667
   v = true
   already_dead = false
scripts/scheduler.lua:409 in (global) RunScheduler (Lua) <407-415>
   tick = 7837
scripts/update.lua:240 in () ? (Lua) <224-298>
   dt = 0.033333335071802
   tick = 7837
   i = 7837

[00:08:10]: [string "scripts/vector3.lua"]:10: attempt to index local 'rhs' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
    scripts/vector3.lua:10 in () ? (Lua) <9-11>
    scripts/components/quaker.lua:374 in (upvalue) GetSpawnPoint (Lua) <359-381>
    scripts/components/quaker.lua:398 in (field) fn (Lua) <385-404>
    scripts/scheduler.lua:186 in (method) OnTick (Lua) <164-216>
    scripts/scheduler.lua:409 in (global) RunScheduler (Lua) <407-415>
    scripts/update.lua:240 in () ? (Lua) <224-298>


User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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