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Bramble Husk / Brambleshade armor thorns AoE size is smaller on the beta branch

  • Fixed

The Aoe size of the thorns burst is smaller on the beta. 

For example, baby tentacles from tentapillars can attack you without dying to the thorns burst. This is not the case on the live version. On the live version, if a baby tentacle is within attack range it is also within thorns AoE range. 

Pic from the beta: baby tentacle attacked me and didnt die to the thorns. 


Brambleshade armor has the same bug but its harder to realize because the tentacles attack twice in quick succession and die, leading u to believe the thorns burst killed them but its the direct retaliation damage inherited from the brightshade armor that kills the furthest baby tentacles not the thorns burst. 

Steps to Reproduce

1. Attack a tentapillar several times so enough baby tentacles spawn with a bramble husk equiped 

2. notice how some baby tentacles can attack u without dying to the thorns burst

3. Do the same on live branch and compare

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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