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Dedicated Server setup w/ caves question

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So I want caves. I have a dedicated server set up successfully and was following the guide on how to set up caves for Windows, and it mentioned \Documents\Klei\DST_Overworld and \Documents\Klei\DST_Caves . However, I have neither of these files! I have \Documents\Klei\DoNotStarveTogether ! Did I mess up somewhere, or...? 

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Hey @mecucu which guides are you following? The folders mentioned namely \Documents\Klei\DST_Overworld and \Documents\Klei\DST_Caves are folders you have to create manually that the dedicated servers will base and save all their information into. Caves and Ruins has been merged onto the same plane in DST. 


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Oh okay. Anyways, I am following this guide since I have Windows. So if I'm to understand correctly I create new folders with those and just follow the directions with what to do with those folders? It didn't make it exceptionally clear on the guide.

EDIT: I think I figured it out. I made those start.bat and start2.bat files it told me to, but forgot to run them.

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If you're following that guide, steps 3 and 4 are what you need.

Step 3 - Create the Server .bat files:

1. Go in C:\server\bin
2. Create Text Document
3. Add this: "dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe -conf_dir DST_Overworld" then Save As with this name: start.bat
4. Stay in start.bat
5. Add this: "dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe -conf_dir DST_Cave" then Save As with this name: start2.bat
6. Close the Text Document
7. Now you can see you have your both batch files (start.bat and start2.bat)

Step 4

Now open both batch files (start.bat and start2.bat). Once the prompts are finished running and you see the following lines:


Then this step autogenerates the \Documents\Klei\DST_Overworld and \Documents\Klei\DST_Caves you need. Then you proceed to the next steps. 

The whole Klei forums recently got a version upgrade, and that guide you are using was made before the upgrade. Which is why the instruction's spacing and new lines are missing. ToNiO55 is having issues with updating the guides though, found here. Since the upgrade was pretty recent, some of the functionality is still missing and/or not yet working properly. Might take a while before they can correct the bunching up of texts in the instructions which is probably its confusing. 

I hope that helps, cheers.

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Okay, I have successfully ran the server, however this has brought up an additional question. The Overworld runs just fine, and the caves isn't choked by the whole server token thing. For debugging purposes I teleport myself to the nearest sinkhole, which was clearly generated, however, upon mining it there was no entrance to the underground. I go back and check the cmd running the cave server, and it appears to be struggling to connect to its master server... Do you have any idea what might be wrong here? Here's a screenshot.

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That looks like an issue with the network settings in the settings.ini for both servers. The following should be true for both settings.ini in each server folder:

  • steam_authentication_port under network tag must be unique on both settings.ini
  • steam_master_server_port under network tag must be unique on both settings.ini
  • server_port under network tag must be unique on both settings.ini
  • master_port under shard tag must be the same on both settings.ini

In ToNiO55's guide, the text are also bunched up so that's probably why something's going wrong. anyway just to make sure, shown below is how the settings.ini should be ordered (based on ToNiO55's guide):

Settings.ini under DST_Overworld:


autocompiler_enabled = true

default_server_name = TEST Server
game_mode = survival
server_password = yournewpassword
enable_autosaver = true
max_players = 10
tick_rate = 15
enable_vote_kick = false
default_server_description = Welcome
pause_when_empty = true
server_port = 10999
steam_authentication_port = 12345
steam_master_server_port = 12346
server_intention = competitive

shard_enable = true
is_master = true
master_port = 11001
cluster_key = dst

Settings.ini under DST_Cave:


autocompiler_enabled = true

default_server_name = TEST Server
game_mode = survival
server_password = server autogenerates its own password for slave server
enable_autosaver = true
max_players = 10
tick_rate = 15
enable_vote_kick = false
default_server_description = Welcome
pause_when_empty = true
server_port = 11000
steam_authentication_port = 12347
steam_master_server_port = 12348
server_intention = competitive

shard_enable = true
is_master = false
master_ip =
master_port = 11001
shard_name = caves
cluster_key = dst
shard_id = 12345678


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