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[Game Update] - 444992

Release Date: 12/10/20

Update Information:

Hey Grifters!

We did it! The update was shipped! Thank you all for your help in testing and tuning this thing. We couldn't do it without you.

This next cycle, ending on Jan 28th, is going to add Smith's day 3. We're probably also going to give Rook the same balancing treatment that Sal got in the last update. And of course whatever else pops up. We tend to have pretty lose plans at the start of a cycle!

Note - some of these changes were also applied to the main game in a silent hotfix earlier this afternoon - just the crashy and bad save ones.


  • Enable smith day 3 ( the bosses mostly just stand there and take hits at the moment, and the quest variety is not fleshed out, but it's playable).
  • Added prestige 7: No more mettle
  • Add Counterplay, Total Upgrades achievements (not yet achieveable)
  • Fix re-rolling follower options in the Daily Boss Negotiation whenever you return to the options.
  • Do some old-save fixups for the removed objectives in sal day 2/3
  • fix sequencing of sal day 3 night market
  • Updated the Precision mutator to include negotiations
  • Added an experiment for Smith's day 3 bosses. (dev only until both behaviours are ready)
  • Added the new nesting_cards mutator 
  • Fix upgraded erchin not getting some base erchin qualities, like support_negotiation.
  • Added a basic combat behaviour for the Snug 
  • Added death loot for NPC_SMITH
  • Hooked up the anim, build and boss slide for the Snug 


  • Compromise: Clarify card text
  • Fix description of Hostility cards on Rage I/II for consistency.
  • Increase morale lost from Crisis by 50%
  • Gnarled Effigy now has Burnout.
  • Torrid Clone triggers on POST_RESOLVE again, so that it can play the card with the same target that it had originally.  By END_RESOLVE, the card target has been cleared.  The original reason for changing to END_RESOLVE was not specified in r440706, but I imagine if that reason still exists, we'll find out again.
  • Stone Bulldoze: fix modifier not being added
  • Fix Hurricane, Right in the Face, Bonkers from playing twice with Torrid Clone.
  • Slight buff to Bonkers.
  • Core Collector: Fix tracking of automech codes in negotiation.
  • Added Expend flag to High Yield Lumin bomb
  • Fixed bug where the hard_knocks boon got stuck at 10 stacks
  • Amplify bonus increased to 2 and lasts for the negotiation.
  • Rename Duplicity mutator to Multicard. Animate the extra copies in the UI.
  • Reduced the cost of Shovel by 1 to make it more competitive with Blacklist
  • call_it_plus2 now has Replenish instead of gambling twice


  • Making the social graft screen content wider. Before it showed the newly acquired social boon/bane too narrow
  • Remapping the Flourish gamepad button so it doesn't collide with the others. Changed the Battle fighter/card focus toggle button from being LB and RB to only being LB, freeing up RB for flourishes on negotiation and battle
  • Hiding the main overlay icons when the Flourish popup opens, so its contents don't collide with them, even in small-screen mode
  • Amend End Turn confirmation dialog for accuracy.
  • apply math.ceil to the morale delta floater so it matches the surrender health differential.
  • Fixed bug where gaining defend while the defend icon was still fading out from losing defend would cause the icon to disappear
  • Damage previews on the healthbar are now laid out to the left of the defend bar. This fixes a previous issue where damage previews were sometimes inaccurate 
  • Fix being able to choose a flourish card before it has finished animating.
  • Fix helper pets not triggering negotiation quips.
  • Button size-to-text now sets the button size correctly to the text width
  • Adding End-Turn confirmation dialog when there are still playable cards. Adding an option to the options screen to change that
  • Fixing the bug where the floating cards are hidden after looking at the flourishes
  • Fix ui refresh crash if the leaderboard query arrives but the screen has already been closed

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