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[Game Update] - 367250

Release Date: 09/11/19

Update Information:

Hey Grifters!

Grout Bog is where the second character's story is set, and this update has just a little bit of that content spilling over into Sal's Murder Bay. Play your cards right, and you can even get yourself a pet robot!

  • Added an unlockable Rise Outpost in Sal's story: Complete a quest chain in a particular way to gain access to exotic Spark Baron technology and buyable AutoDogs.
  • All defs have unique boons and banes now. (Next step: extra uniques for special characters!)
  • New encounterable defs: The Rise Rebel and the Spark Baron AutoDog.
  • Added a bunch of powerful new consumable items that are imported from Grout Bog, and rare in Murder Bay. (most don't have card art yet)
  • Fixed desc of barbed_defense and increased the bleed by 1
  • Fix prices incorrectly being striked-out if they aren't different from the usual price.



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