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[Game Update] - 551676

Release Date: 04/05/23

This is a hotfix release.

Update Information:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a case where the game could crash randomly during world generation start.
  • Fixed dismantling Wanda’s pocket watches inside a pocket dimensional container creating items at the World’s origin. They will now always spawn outside of the pocket dimensional container instead.
  • Auto stacking items such as Rot will no longer grab nearby burning items and extinguish them.
  • Fixed a crash with unraveling an ensemble item that has scrolled off of the screen.
  • Fixed Walter not losing sanity over time while wearing the Bone Helm.
  • Fixed Woodie’s Hockey Skates item having opaque spacers.
  • Fixed a crash when navigating the World Settings and World Generation menus.
  • Fixed an issue with Cracked Pillar getting stuck inside of pillars and ponds.

Notes for Modders

  • A temporary debug log will happen for thermal stones. We are tracking down an issue with the light entity being removed while the thermal stone is still active. If you see in your server logs a bunch of stale component references to heatrock please see if there is a stack trace where they first start and file a bug report with the log.

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

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