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Ventilation system in housing tab (hayfever)

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The hayfever mechanics are what they are, mildly annoying. Luckily one doesn't have to wear the gas mask constantly, allowing for usage of other headgear, and saving durability. Cloth isn't easy to come by.
However, it does not make sense to me that the hayfever should be just as bad indoors as out in the fields. (Seeing it's effectively a pollen allergy.)
Either the ticker for when you'd have to put on a mask should be adjusted indoors, or perhaps the housing tab could atleast allow you to build a rather expensive ventilation system. (A ceiling fan or something of the sorts..) Either removing the mechanic completely while inside your house, or atleast reducing the number of times the mask would have to be put on in a day. Only indoors of course.
Juggling with the mask while managing inventory isn't challenging, it's just very very annoying.
I do not think it would off balance the game too much, as there really isn't that much durabilty gain on the mask to speak of. It would also allow players to grind through the season a little more comfortably if they haven't been able to get enough cloth for both the pith hat and the gas mask. (Rng in the shop can really screw you over here.)

Also, fireplaces. Please. That firepit required to dry off in humid season is very unpleasing to the eye. If that is off the table, then please decrease the time needed to dry off indoors. If all this makes the house too OP, then raise it's price. =)


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