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Some bugs and suggestions

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1. Sometimes things spawn exactly at the same spot underground(this time the grass and the pot) and I couldn't either pick the grass or smash the pot.


2. If the....ant den? Is located right beside the lake(which is quite often) when you go down and come back again, you spawn outside of land(on water). I managed to come back, but not sure if it is always possible


3. Things too close to the water cannot be picked.


+) some suggestions; 

1. About the mechanics underground.. It's really great that we're able to use space bar to go through doors, but if there's anything to pick up or pick nearby, the character will always prioritize that action over the door, no matter the distance. 

2. The bat wave is a little bit too much. First wave on day 4?! They come too many and too often, to the point it gets annoying, and I don't feel like I need monster meat or pig skin THAT much in the early game. I usually just leave them to the vines and pig guards anyway

3. I feel like the housing can be a lot better if we could install some more useful machines rather than just decorations. For example, being able to make the house bigger, some mending machines for clothes or armor, bigger fridges or freezers(like a lot of people mentioned).

++)I just had two blue screens playing this... Don't know if it's because of the game or the computer, going to have it checked out next week.

Anyways I like the atmosphere a lot, it's very new and creative, 100% going to buy it. Sorry if there is any grammar mistake, English is not my first language. 

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