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Bugs and impressions

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Started playing the beta a little last night, played a little of it today, and have been loving it. The sense of adventure is nearly perfectly captured here, and mystery still feels like it is just around the corner (as it still is). I have noticed three big bugs. The first of which being the spider monkeys... (they are pretty darn terrifying). On a more serious note, the two bugs I noticed were; when in ruins and/or entering and exiting rooms in general as willow, her lighter automatically goes out and needs to be de equipped and re equipped. I haven't had a real problem with it so far, as I realized it quickly, but it is a bug nonetheless. The second one that I noticed is the one in the screenshot above, I've seen it noted before, but there's no real harm in posting it again. When entering a pig house, sometimes the player is greeted simply by the void. If you hold back and press space, you can exit. I however, got curious as to if the assets normally present were still there, as I had a lot of idols and such to trade in, so I began walking around trying to find where the trade spots are, and just mashed space hoping to find them. Surprisingly, I was able to find the three trinkets in my inventory (marbles, kazoo, and gord's knot) which strangely were all wet. I then tried to leave and could not find my way out. (Guess Willow isn't going to not starve?) One other tiny bug was that if you boat to the edge of a waterfall, there's the exit option, and it puts you over the edge of the waterfall walking. Again so far, I think this is the best, most radical expansion so far, and while it can only get better from here, the blackout bug needs to be fixed. (I've run into it in two games)

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