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Problem with the light of my custom hat (inst.Light:Enable(false) isn´t working)

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Hello there and thank you for reading this

I created a custom hat for my character, its working well without one thing : Its glowing while dropped on the ground.


The Line: 26 in the OnEquip function  : inst.Light:Enable(true) is working, so if i change it to (false) it doesn't glow when equipped.

So i just did the same in the OnUnequip function in Line: 48  but it´s still glowing when dropped.


I can´t find out whats the problem, but it seems to be easy. :mad:

I´m new to modding and don´t have the eye for bad scripts, so i hope for help from your side.

Again: Thanks for your time 


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4 hours ago, PaulHartmut said:

Hello there and thank you for reading this

I created a custom hat for my character, its working well without one thing : Its glowing while dropped on the ground.


The Line: 26 in the OnEquip function  : inst.Light:Enable(true) is working, so if i change it to (false) it doesn't glow when equipped.

So i just did the same in the OnUnequip function in Line: 48  but it´s still glowing when dropped.


I can´t find out whats the problem, but it seems to be easy. :mad:

I´m new to modding and don´t have the eye for bad scripts, so i hope for help from your side.

Again: Thanks for your time 


You can do inst.Light:Remove() instead, this would completely despawn the light on unequip. There's also a function you can call using inst.components.inventoryitem:SetOnDroppedFn(your_function) and have it call a function when your drop the item. I would look at the miner hat (hats.lua) prefab to get a good idea on what to do.

Edited by RedHairedHero
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First thanks for the reply.

inst.components.inventoryitem:SetOnDroppedFn is working.  The problem is that its still glowing when i drag it with the mouse from the hat-slot.

It´s dark when i drag it from an normal inventory slot.

I cant find something that allows me to deactivate the light while its dragged from the Equipment-slot but neither dropped or stowed in inventory.

I tried: inst.components.inventoryitem:OnRemoved() and  inst.OnRemoveEntity = 

both don´t have any effects.

Thanks again 


OH i just realized that i was deleting the inst.Light:Enable(false) line in the Onunequipped function sorry for that. its working fine now 

Thank u so much for your help!

i attached the working file for someone who is interested in the future. 


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