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The William Carter puzzles ( And it's connection to the Methues puzzle).

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One of my favorite things to do is find out the lore of Don't Starve Together. And while I was browsing through the wiki page for Don't Starve, I decided to take another look at the William Carter puzzles. Some of the discoveries I've made are very interesting.

First, on the fourth puzzle, I saw a blueprint for a obelisk. When you look closer however, you can see the ancient runes from the Methues puzzle. This may mean there is a correlation from William Carter/Maxwell to the ancients. I am not so sure what some of these mean, because most of them are not decoded yet. But, you can take a look for yourself.                           


The most interesting part though, is what I'm about to tell you. If you look on the seventh puzzle. you see a dim light, with writing on the walls. Some of these writings were used to decode the Methues runes.I originally thought this was some things you had to put in the ancient chest to get a reward, but, turns out there where seven symbols, so that wasn't an option. I tried searching up some of the writing, as it looked like something from another language, translated to English. First, I searched up "Insaniam", it was the one next to the drawing/rune of nightmare fuel. What I saw was ( Drumroll please! ), a metal band! Okay, maybe that didn't really help me, but there were six more writings. Then, I searched up "Magicae", ( Again, we need a drumroll! ) and I found ... Voces Magicae! What is that? you ask. Well I remember the word "Voces" from the puzzle. Indeed, when I saw the puzzle, the word was there. The Voces Magicae is a book which I'm not really what it does. But I did see "Ancient Latin curses" in a title from an article about it. I looked a little bit and I saw some pig humans which were apparently demons, and a drawing of a ritual on a hand. I was TERRIFIED. What if the demons are gonna kill me? So I got scared and never delved deeper.

Some conclusions I've thought about are:

-What if the Voces Magicae is the Codex Umbra?

-What purpose does Maxwell serve with the ancients?

-Does Them ( You know, the thing that seemingly controls the fuelweaver, and is most likely the shadow creatures ) have anything to do with the Voces Magicae?

Well, hopefully you can help, and look at it for yourself, because I'm not gonna have some spirits following me for the rest of my life. 

There is still more on the puzzles, though. So hopefully you can explore for yourself.

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