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Can we get map seeds for maps we allowed to randomly generate

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New to the forums, hi. Thanks for your lovely game ONI, I enjoy it very much.

My suggestion is in the title, please allow us to get the seed info for maps we didn't predetermine the seed. I can't seem to do it in game, and when I open the save file I can't read the values, though it does make mentions of seeds... makes me think this is possible!

...And while I'm making suggestions I also have a teeny wishlist that I feel is painfully lacking in current version of the game ^_^ Could you confirm if any of these suggestions are in the works? Thanks, have a good day.

  1. Let us capture and breed creatures. Could integrate breeding into the farming overlay, will reproduce in x cycles if y conditions met, you get the idea!
  2. Boost the spawn rate of geysers. It looks like we only get 1 of each prefabrication, this is depressingly little especially if they're at the corners of the map, by magma, somehow got stuck outside the neutronium edges...
  3. Give us a gas compressor to make bleach stone and oxylite. Please!
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