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This is my look into bringing robotics into the game

This is Currently WIP

Robot and Requirements

Robots do not require to breath/eat

They can rust and require maintenance on a platform (see bellow)

Base Level robots

These are slowed by cold

base level platform required

  • Wind Up

Requires a duplicant to wind up the robot

Can't jump/climb Requires elevator (see bellow)



  • Coal Steam

Uses coal and Water

Produces Co2 and Steam and Heat

Will automatically slow to stop critical heat levels

overheating causes a minor boost in speed

Immune to cold while overheating

Can critically overheat too much causing it to explode

Can't jump/climb Requires elevator (see bellow)


slow movement speed



Level 2 robots

  • Natural Gas

Can overheat too much causing it to explode

  • Hydrogen

Produces Co2 and heat

Can overheat too much causing it to explode

  • Battery

Requires charge from level 2 platform

Can charge from quick charge points

Can jump/climb

slightly dumb

normal movement speed

  • LIve wire

Average speed in jobs

Needs a live wire to Run at all times

Can't jump/climb requires elevator

slightly dumb

fast movement speed

faster while overloaded (deals damage to the robot)

Level 3 robots

  • Battery level 2

longer charge than battery 1


  • Live wire level 2

Holds a charge similar to battery level 1

can go off a wire for a while without a constant charge

can jump/climb

average intellegents

very fast movement

Super fast while overloaded (deals damage to robot)

  • Nuclear

looks like a duplicant that you question if you're the robot

+10 to all stats

Doesn't require an electric charge

Can do anything a duplicant can do except eat/breath

Produces radiation that can contaminate the area

uses Fuel Rods (uranium)

produces Spent rods (could be used else were)




Robots require an "Idle" platform to use and repair

Robots will need to be assigned platforms to use.

Base level platform (non-electric)

Holds level 1 robots that do not require an electric charge to power (Coal Steam, )

  • Base level robots will only do 1 task selected for them while active.

Duplicants will need to manually adjust the platform to change the job

Robots will keep doing their task until they return to the platform

  • (De)Activation of the platform will Idle and shut down the robot

This stops use of resource/power usage

Robots will return when the platform is Off

  • Manuel repairs and resource delivery by duplicants
  • Robots who are shutdown while not on a platform will be delivered by duplicants to the platform

Level 2 platform (electricity based)

Holds level 2 robots that are Charged by electricity to run (Battery, Live wire)

  • Robots level 2 will do 2 tasks given to them while active

Can use a  R.C.C. (Robot Command console) level 1 hooked up to their electricity network to change their job but must be manually changed by a duplicant at the R.C.C.

Robots will keep doing their task until they return to the platform

  • Platform requires electricity to recharge robots

Manuel maintenance by duplicant required.

  • (De)Activation of the platform will Idle and shut down the robot

This stops use of power usage.

Doesn't recharge while Off

Robots will return when the platform is Off

Level 3 platform (Nuclear, other)

Holds level 3 robots that are charged by electricity

  • Robots level 3 will do 4 tasks given to them

Jobs can be changed at a level 2 R.C.C. (robot command console) level 2 from anywhere as long as both are powered by a duplicant.

  • Automatically recharges and repairs robots to working performance.

This Requires electricity.

  • (De)Activation of the platform will Idle and shut down the robot

This stops use of power usage.

Doesn't recharge while Off

Robots will return when the platform is Off

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