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Dupes keeping doors open... for fun !

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Doors are opened for no reasons when dupes are near them with no intent of going out and/or they want to get some fresh air from outside.

Scenario 1

Dupes are expanding outside the base in a no breathable environment.

They come back to the base for oxygen because it is the nearest source, they open the door and take back their breath in the frame while the door is kept open. They should at least move inside to let the door close ! 


Scenario 2. 

Flatulence dupe have a big one right next to a second dupe..

Other dupe, disgusted, go away very fast next to the base door which opens. 


Scenario 3

Some object inside near the door such as storage containers or other.

Dupe come to access it then go do something else without leaving the base.

However, the mechanized airlock briefly opens. 



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