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Physiology Feedback

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Would recommend that increase in bladder fullness be diminished to 0 when asleep, would prevent dupes from being awoken at night because of uncontrollable bladder schedules, and would be coherent with human physiology, where the hormone ADH (Anti-diuretic hormone AKA anti-pee-creation hormone) is highly upregulated during sleep. This is also the hormone that is downregulated when alcool is drunk, causing the important enuresis of drunkedness FYI

Also, if this was implemented, there could be a negative dupe perk called ''Enuresis'' (AKA peeing in bed) where bladder fullness could continue to increase while asleep.

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Another topic, probably also mentionned elsewere; plant physiology usually brings a net creation of oxygen if typical terresterial physiology is followed, so the fact that planter's box plants seem to consume oxygen/not create oxygen should either be modified, or could be justified by the fact that they are actually a sessile form of fauna that produces consumable fruits, akin to eggs.

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Very interesting ideas, "Me like em", but why not make the dupes go pee before they go to sleep? Make the game able to schedule their "dudu time".

Also the idea of Enuresis is interesting, and it made me think of a new bad trait: incontinence, make them pee at random times making a mess every time, it balances itself, as it will make you get some "extra" contaminated water every time they pee, also you could make them use the batroom a lot quicker .

Just an idea

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Ingesta/Excreta physiology:

Maybe it could be interesting to require dupes to drink water from time to time, maybe by giving them an H2O value akin to the calory value they replenish when eating.

Eating could give them some H2O, and pass a certain threshold they could go directly consume pure water. In giving them this caracteristic, they could also lose some water when they go to an outhouse or toilet; in outhouses, this water could be lost, but in lavatories it could be added to the produced contaminated water, to encourage the building of said lavatory (as I understand that right now there is no water gain from them, giving them the only advantage of stress reduction and disease management, which can be weathered out or resolved using much less complicated techniques). This net gain of water could also be upset by requiring food plant to receive some water, like algae terrariums, which could be acquired in total from eating the resulting food item.

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