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Storage preset to blacklist hazardous materials

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Managing a bunch of storage bins is problematic because if you tick ALL on them they can store hazardous materials like slime, bleach stone, contaminated dirt, etc.. If you have 30 bins you would have to individually click each one, open the drop downs for different categories, and manually untick the materials that deposit toxic fumes.

It would be nice to have a biohazard icon next to the materials with a tooltip that explains they will output toxic fumes, and possibly a warning on the storage box itself. For top level sorting there should be a way to say ALL except hazmat, and Only hazmats.

Also another potential solution that works more generically is allowing the selection of multiple same objects to configure settings. So you can box select multiple storage boxes and set the presets one time that will apply to all of them.

Maybe this suggestion will be helpful. Overall your interface design is very well done. Keep up the great work.

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