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Added Custom Sound for character mod, it changes bigPicture

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Whenever I include the code for custom sound in my character's Lua scripts, it changes his bigPicture back to Wilson's (which is the default I assume.) I checked the bigPicture tex file to make sure it was still my custom one, and it was. When I remove the custom sound it goes back to my image.

code for modmain.lua

--Custom Assets
	Asset("SOUNDPACKAGE", "sound/larke.fev"),
	Asset("SOUND", "sound/larke_bank56.fsb"),

--Sound Remapping      
RemapSoundEvent( "dontstarve/characters/larke/death_voice", "larke/characters/larke/death_voice" )
RemapSoundEvent( "dontstarve/characters/larke/hurt", "larke/characters/larke/hurt" )
RemapSoundEvent( "dontstarve/characters/larke/talk_LP", "larke/characters/larke/talk_LP" )

code for larke.lua

inst.soundsname = "larke"

mod is included below if you wish to dig through the files.

Larke WIP.zip

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And, again I solved it after messing around with the code. Made a phony Sound Remapper and made it lead to "character/larke/phony" and it fixed the big image so long as one of the remappings did not have the pattern "larke/character/larke/phony".

I'm not quite sure how or why that works.

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when using FMOD designer, and you've imported all your sounds in to the appropriate categories, press Ctrl + B to bring up the build menu. there will be a part that says (for example) larke_bank56. There's a box to the left of that phrase that needs to be clicked, so that there's a check mark.


Then, when the build is complete, you'll have your  .fdp file, and a new folder called "sound" in there, you'll find the .fev and .fsb and a cache folder.


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